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Rapid Fat Loss Program

The best way to experience rapid fat loss is to recruit your body's help.

Work with your body and let it work with you. Your body is equipped to either store fat or burn fat. Most people fail to realize that they have the ability to determine how their body operates. So, if you have stored away extra fat, do not blame your body, blame the programmer.

Your body is a remarkable machine. Left alone it will run on autopilot. Part of the autopilot program functions to store food in the form of fat that can be used for fuel in the event you fall on hard times.
Fat loss...even fast fat loss is possible when you flip the right switch in your programmer.

The best way to "flip the switch" is by providing the right kind of stimulus which turns your metabolism thermostat to its highest setting. In this mode, your body consumes its fat all day long to meet the requirements of the "now voracious metabolism."

Resistance training is a key to flipping this switch.

Do not let that scare you because an intense, super effective, metabolism firing, workout can be achieved in as little as ten minutes every other day. Ten minutes is a drop in the bucket of time available in your day.

Scientific approach to the best fat burning exercises has unveiled some amazingly quick routines for maximum results.

You no longer have to spend hours at the gym and your exercise bouts will be no more disrupting to your busy schedule than a small speed bump in the road.

Here is a typical example of a super short, long acting exercise routine, that will kick your metabolism in the "rear."

This example routine targets the legs:
Do Barbell squats using the heaviest weight you can lift for one set of 8 to 10 reps. The last rep is a real struggle. Make sure that you cannot do one more. Immediately go to the leg extension machine and do one set of leg extensions again with the heaviest weight you can lift for one set of no more than 10 reps...again to failure. Then go do one set of leg curls followed by one set of calf raises to failure.

Use a cadence of a four count on the contraction phase of the exercise with a one count pause at the end, and then a three count on the lowering or relaxing phase. Keep each set to less than 80 seconds.

You can buzz through this routine in minutes.

When you reach the point of positive muscular failure in each exercise, your body has recruited all three muscle fiber types and your "switch has been flipped."
Guys will lose fat and build muscle fast. Girls will not bulk up because they lack the bulking hormones, but they will lose fat fast, and get tight and lean.

As you progress, you will repeatedly have to add more weight to enable you to reach failure within 8 to 10 reps. There are similar routines for other body parts to include in your every other day cycle.


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