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Rapid Weight Loss Diets - What Good is Losing Weight Quickly When You Gain All Your Pounds Back?

Dieting doesn't mean starving yourself or denying yourself a few treats once in a while. Rather, it means controlling your food intake to acceptable levels and making sure you burn more calories than you consume. It also means choosing healthy, unprocessed foods over a bag of potato chips, for example.

It doesn't matter whether you have slow metabolism or are genetically engineered to be fat. Every human being can go through rapid weight loss diets and achieve that perfect body over time. The trick here is to eat in moderation and try to avoid being hungry at any given time.

Experts recommend drinking water before swallowing a slice of steak in order to feel 'full' and satisfied quickly. The mind is often confused between hunger and thirst and can be tricked into believing you're already 'full' even by just a glass of water. If plain water doesn't do the job, try juices or sweet-flavored tea.

Mindless eating is also the gateway to overeating. This happens when you relax in the couch and watch TV with a box of pizza in front of you. Avoid this by setting rules at certain times, like closing the kitchen after 8pm. Most rapid weight loss diets prohibit late-night eating because foods don't get digested during sleep.

Don't let go of your favorite foods altogether. It's just not possible. Instead, allow yourself to indulge one cookie instead of a whole box. Buy small portions only of your favorite foods instead of buying the whole thing. This way, you won't have much temptation when you get home.


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