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Rapid Weight Loss is Not a Healthy Way to Lose Weight

I'm sure you've seen ads that say "lose 20 pounds in two weeks on such and such diet". While it's true that you can lose 20 pounds in two weeks is not very healthy and in fact can be very dangerous to your health. To lose 20 pounds in two weeks you are essentially putting your body into a state of dehydration and starvation that could cause serious illness if you have any type of underlying medical condition.

Losing this amount of weight in such a short period of time is not an approach to keeping the weight off long-term. As soon as you begin to eat and drink foods again you'll quickly regain this weight because much of it is water weight. Also, you will likely begin to eat foods in a ravenous manner because you have been deprived of essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly.

Any form of rapid weight loss usually ends in failure because just as quickly as you lose weight you will likely regain it all back and possibly more. The human body requires a state of homeostasis to function properly. That is why if you make changes to your diet or cut calories from your daily intake it needs to be done gradually so your body has a chance to adapt to this change.

We are so impatient as a people in this country that we want everything to happen immediately. You know deep down that the 20 extra pounds that you're carrying around was not put on in two weeks and you can't realistically expect to drop that weight in a matter of two weeks. Work towards a goal of 1/2-1 pound per week when losing weight and you will find that you have a much better long-term success rate.


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